Experience the future of educational world of medical students

Advantages of our Virtual Reality Training

Improving clinical skills

New learning based on muscle nerve coordination
HCP - Virtual Reality

The international education level

Viewing the latest treatment methods in the world in to improve the quality of education and learning of user

Collaboration of physicians and specialists

Observation of doctors and specialists related to the each scenario

Unlimited repeatability

Access, practice and self evaluate all clinical scenarios indefinitely


Improving Participation of users of different medical sciences on one scenario

Performance reporting

Record all the actions by DilCorp's platform and view progress and mastery in each topic

Simulation similar to reality

Scenarios are simulated despite factors such as voice ,educational tips and medical equipment

Free trial

Free trial of DilCorp’s service


Proven results of today's hot research on the use of virtual reality and its impact on improving the quality of education and improving clinical skills

Scenarios based on VR

With VR virtual reality you can get in position
Be exactly like the real situation

You can learn the medical procedures and each method of treatment in the form of simulated educational scenarios and practice them in a safe environment indefinitely. These scenarios are following the medical reference books approved in the health care system. The clinical conditions that are common or rare are included in them. This technology aims to strengthen the clinical skills of medical students in different simulated situations and improve teamwork skills in any conditions is one of the goals of these scenarios. We intend to provide students with perspectives on treatment methods.Dillcorp helps students to be in touch with the international level and the latest in these fields in the world.


Anatomy Models based on VR

You can use all the hard and soft tissue components
Read in full detail by virtual reality

Anatomical models including soft tissue and bone have been designed by Dillcorp team, which includes all the electronic tools needed to better learn anatomical areas. Problems such as lack of variety and the number of quality anatomical models available with this technology have been solved. we design an environment for unlimited study and self-assessment has been collected using all the student's senses and interaction. In this product designing educational and specific models Making important anatomical locations and proximities, the required descriptions of each model are included.

Students who have used virtual reality for education have memorized more than 400% of the topics better in their long-term memory.

Students trained in virtual reality have achieved 250% progress in the correct and safe execution of various procedures.

Virtual reality-trained surgeons perform 29% faster and make 6 times less errors than traditional students.

Experience medical science
on the edge of technology